Float Right
Origin of
The origin of 'Dubya' from us a weekend says that the columnist Molly Ivins coined it in 1995; it's the spelled-out Texas-drawl version of Bush's middle initial (for "Walker"). Her editor at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram tells us Ivins "owned 'Dubya' from the mid-'90s to 1999, then it caught on with everyone else." Well, not really everyone.
Close friends call Bush "George W." His dad sometimes calls him "Quincy," a reference to John Quincy Adams, the only son of a president to become president. And almost everybody else calls him "Mr.President."" Yukarıda Cördüğünüz uygulamanın kodlarını aşağıda yayınlıyorum. Kopyala yapıştıır yaparak sizde deneyerek uygulamayı yapablirsiniz. İngilizce yazan metin yerinede istediğiniz gibi yazınızı yazabilirsiniz. Aynı uygulamayı solda da gösterebilirsiniz. Sadece float: right; ifadesini float: left; olarak değiştireceksiniz.
<div align="justify"><p><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: large; color: #ffcc33">Float Right</span> <div style="padding-left: 20px; filter: shadow(color:silver); float: right; padding-bottom: 12px; font: 24pt haettenschweiler; width: 135px; color: navy">Origin of <br />Dubya</div> <p style="text-align: justify"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: large">"</span>The origin of 'Dubya' from usaweekend.com says that the columnist Molly Ivins coined it in 1995; it's the spelled-out Texas-drawl version of Bush's middle initial (for "Walker"). Her editor at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram tells us Ivins "owned 'Dubya' from the mid-'90s to 1999, then it caught on with everyone else." Well, not really everyone. Close friends call Bush "George W." His dad sometimes calls him "Quincy," a reference to John Quincy Adams, the only son of a president to become president. And almost everybody else calls him "Mr. President."<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: large">"</span></p></p></div>